This is the day that was

Like many of you, I am concerned that Google, once a simple search engine, has grown far too large and will inevitably turn into a Microsoft-like juggernaught which will advertise directly onto the retinas of every living human, and retcon advertising into the lives of all dead ones. Unlike many of you, I heartily embrace this trend and would like to take this opportunity to let our new Overlords know that my cathode-ray damaged frontal lobes and San-Andreas-induced capacity for random acts of senseless depravity would make me a perfect guard at one of your concentrated-advertising camps.
In anticipation of this corporate dystopia, I downloaded the Google Desktop side-bar, which streams constant news, RSS feeds and photos to your desktop at all times. I literally cannot not look away!
Here's some noteworthy newsoids from the global info-lake:
French Government pledges to tackle debt, desert, after a breather.
North Korean Leader's whereabouts unknown- is he behind you? Take our quiz to find out.
New Orleans unviels controversial rebuilding plan- experts say a gun aimed at God unlikely to deter future disasters.
LSD creator celebrates 100th birthday in dimension made from living music.
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