An explosion is like a kiss to God

Thanks to the always-fabulous Barbelith messageboard (the most smarterest place on teh Interweb), I now have videos of mankind's animated descent into divisiveness and hatred to rival my previous favorite, Fucking USA.
The first is this poorly animated Iranian cartoon about suicide bombing. It follows young Abd Al-Rahman's quest to avenge his family's death at the hands of a bloodthirsty Israeli officer, named Ariel. Like the Little Mermaid. The fact that Ariel was able to overcome this obvious handicap to advancement in the military, and the fact that is band of chuckling zionists are killing people as far away as Iran only attests to how evil this dude is. We follow young Al-Rahman (whose name means 'the instant noodle' in Iranianese) through his training, which appears to involve sitting on the floor and nodding his head (we infidels would assume that training in firearms and guerilla warfare would be best suited to the task, but what do we know?). Next is the emotional scene in which Al-Rahman's mother wishes him well on his suicide mission, presumably because she wants to knock through his wall and turn his room into a breakfast bar with track lighting (the home improvement aspect of this story will be covered in the sequel).
The sun rises on the last day of Al-Rahman's life, as his fearless leader explains that they will attack the enemy 'in accordance with our plan' and acknowledges that their mission is a difficult one, as nobody involved has any training and the plan (shoot and throw grenades at the enemy) has been rehearsed using the early level of Command and Conquer: Generals. But what is this? Al-Rahmad removes his shoelaces and uses them to fashion an omni-pin remover for his grenade belt. Clearly that day Allah had looked upon him, and selected 'Upgrade Grenadier>Suicide Bomber (100 credits)' from the upgrades menu. Allah then selects Al-Rahmad by left clicking and right-clicks the advancing enemy forces. I can't tell you what happens next because the video stream kind of fucks up at that point, though I imagine that Allah builds up some awesome defences around his base and builds a fuckload of refineries until he has enough ore to build as many tanks as he can select at one time, before clicking on the enemy's construction yard and letting the rudimentary AI take care of the rest. Although 'tank rushes' are frowned upon in online play, and tend to get one called a 'n00b' the following scene, after my connection sorts itself out, shows the dreadful aftermath of the attack, in which everyone, both Counter-Terrorist and Terrorist, lies dead. In a moving final scene, a young boy, previously a complete non-entity to the cartoon's plot, steals a bloodstained rag from one of the dead terrorists. For no reason.
The message here is simple and profound: suicide bombing is very, very retarded.
The second animation is from the good ol' BBC, my motherland's very own state-run television station that everybody pays for whether they want to or not (much like hospitals). Considering that it has the taxes of one of the world's wealthiest nations behind it, I really think that the Beeb could have done better than a grainy Realplayer clip, especially when the Iranian clip was in crisp fullscreen WMV, but I guess it's one of those Western decadance things. The clip, from Belgian TV, at first shows the lovable 'Smurfs' that inhabit Belgium dancing and singing, as is their heathen custom. They are then -not to mince words here- blown the fuck up for abso-fucking-lutely no reason at all. This further compounds the horrifying existential terror of being a Smurf, who, as Jean-Paul Sartre puts it 'are born for no reason, live through weakness, die by accident and have no dicks under those little white pants'.
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