Marvel Babies. You heard me, Marvel freakin' Babies

Thanks to Cinematical for tipping me off to this one.
It's Marvel. It's babies. It's wickle versions of Hulk, Spider Girl (or woman), Captain America, Wolverine, Spiderman and Doctor Octopus (Seriously, what does a baby need mechanical tentacles for?).
Some questions:
- Does Baby Hulk turn into Baby Bruce Banner? Can we please get Ang Lee to guest direct and episode in which the Hulk is a metaphor for anger and abandonment issues and consequentially, is shit-boring?
- Wolverine's raison d'etre is killing people. He's the best at what he does and what he does ain't pretty enough for family entertainment. Since I'm guessing this is aimed at toddlers what exactly is going to be Logan's schtick if he can't cut HYDRA agents in half?
- How much freedom should Marvel Babies give up for security?
- They're not making a Runaways show because...?
- Doctor Octopus- why?
- And they do what exactly? They're too young to be fighting crime, even baby-level crime like cookie thefts, and yet they're freakin' Superheroes and have to do something vaguely superheoric or this is just Rugrats in spandex. Which is just creepy
- The original Muppet Babies had a mother figure who had somehow given birth to a litter of half-human hybrid creatures, in a reference to the classic Island of Dr. Moreau. Who in the Marvel universe could fill such important shoes? Aunt May? The Avenger's butler Jarvis? The Weapon X programme (Cap and Wolverine are both graduates)? My guess- in the episode 'Marvel Babies- Dissasembled' we find out these are the Scarlet Witch and Vision's kids and they blink out of existence in a cross-over special with the other Marvel cartoons. It's edgy and kids can totally relate.
- Doctor Octopus- What the fuck?
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