Saturday, April 08, 2006

Double Barrelled Blogging:The Deadly Games of Teenage Jesus

Spot all 36 ninja in this painting and win an XBOX 360!!!! HOT PLEASE LOOK!!!

You know the two things I love most in the world? Well, I'll tell you: the little Google Ad bar in this blog, which trawls every idiot trying to make a buck on teh interweb and brings me only the sites least relevant to the dozen or so people who visit this site, and when religious types make themselves look like fools. Oh, and before I forget, I also like it when scientists bring me alarming news about videogames.
Today I've had my joy-buzzer tweaked but-good, by the unlikely bedfellows Teenage Jesus and New Scientist.
The above picture is artist Tom Trujillo's 'controversial' painting of Teenage Jesus, entitled 'Teenage Jesus'. In my head it's subtitled 'Don Killuminati: To the five boroughs: Disciples of the 36 chambers: off the chain fo' tha Y2k', but that's just me. The Justin Timberlake looking cracker in the picture is our lord and savior as a teen, rolling in the hood and sticking it to the man, fo' real. The Kids are totally going to be stoked by this picture.
But we'd better get it into every classroom soon, because from the looks of things our wee ones are savage monsters. Fortunately many of them will be so fat that their chubby little fingers won't fit inside a trigger guard, because: "each additional hour of TV watched each day by kids resulted in an extra 167 calories consumed, often from sugary drinks, fast foods and candy featured in adverts" Huh? Candy featured in adverts? Willy Wonka must have made a breakthrough, because last time I checked you can't eat the candy in adverts.
We've been hearing this stuff for years (the TV-violence stuff, Teen Jesus is a new development), and as violent crime rates continue to fall it just sounds more and more hollow.

Do yourself a favor an get away from a world of misguided religious sentiments and scientists who'd rather collect an easy paycheck than do worthwhile research: go see Brick. If you're in a major U.S city it's probably playing or will be soon, and it'll be in the rest of the world in a few months. For once I encourage you not to download it, at least until after you've seen it, because for once the filmmakers deserve your money.


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