New Ultimate Best Fun: Band X is like Author Y

Like the man says, a mind is a terrible thing to waste, so engage with the knowledge here, specifically, a list of bands, most fairly middle of the road, and the authors they most resemble. For those of you unwilling to leave my site: kudos, and here's the list reproduced in full:
There's some smart stuff there, I think you will agree. There are some blasphemous abominations that should have been written with blood on a parchment of human flesh and filed under the Pentagon next to the Arc of the Covenant, never to see the light of day. I mean, Thomas Pynchon compared to Stephen freakin' 'Uh, I used to be in Pavement? Anybody remember Shady Lane?' Malkmus. HULK SMASH!AC/DC--Julia Child
Alice Cooper--Stephen King
Tori Amos--Alice Walker
Björk--Italo Calvino
Kate Bush--James Joyce
The Beatles--Roald Dahl
David Bowie--J.G Ballard
Jeff Buckley--Frank O’ Hara
Captain Beefheart--Allen Ginsburg
Johnny Cash--Carl Sandburg
Nick Cave--William Faulkner
The Clash --Hunter S. Thompson
Leonard Cohen--John Updike
Elvis Costello--William Shakespeare
Cream--Jane Auel
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young--John Steinbeck
The Cure--William Gibson
The Doors--Jack Kerouac
Bob Dylan--Ernest Hemingway
The Eagles--Tom Wolfe
Mark Eitzel--William Carlos Williams
The Flaming Lips--Shel Silverstein
Fleetwood Mac --J.K. Rowling
Peter Gabriel--Ray Bradbury
Marvin Gaye--Maya Angelou
Green Day--Dan Brown
Hall and Oates --Nick Hornby
P.J Harvey--Virginia Woolf
Jimi Hendrix--Kurt Vonnegut
Jewel--Danielle Steele
The Killers--Bret Easton Ellis
Led Zeppelin--Herman Hesse
Madonna--Anne Rice
Stephen Malkmus--Thomas Pynchon
Metallica--Clive Barker
Joni Mitchell--Margaret Atwood
Nirvana--William Burroughs
Notorious B.I.G.--Iceberg Slim
The Pixies--Paul Auster
Phish--Douglas Adams
Pink Floyd--J.D. Salinger
The Police--F. Scott Fitzgerald
Prince--Henry Miller
Public Enemy--Langston Hughes
Queen--Walt Whitman
Radiohead--Franz Kafka
Lou Reed--Truman Capote
Rolling Stones--Charles Dickens
Rush--J.R.R. Tolkien
Shudder To Think--Samuel Beckett
The Smiths--Agatha Christie
Bruce Springsteen--Norman Mailer
Steely Dan--Raymond Chandler
Sting--John Le Carre
Talking Heads--Eugene Ionesco
Van Halen--Cameron Crowe
Tom Waits--Charles Bukowski
Wilco--Mark Twain
The Who--Ian Fleming
Yes--H.P. Lovecraft
Anyway, I've hit the random function on Winamp a few times and came up with my own suggestions:
Big Black/The Icarus Line - Michael Houellebecq
Agorophobic Nosebleed - Peter Sotos
Godspeed You! Black Emporer - Mark Z. Danielewski
Slipknot* - R.L Stein
Evanescence* - Poppy Z Brite.
Faith No More - Dennis Cooper
Atari Teenage Riot - Robert Anton Wilson
Iron Maiden - Dennis Wheatley (I mean, come on)
Dinosaur Jnr. - Donna Tarrt
Dashboard Confessional* - Dave Pelzer
Acid Mothers Temple - Alan Moore
cLOUDDEAD - David Foster Wallace
A Perfect Circle - Neil Gaiman
John Coltrane - James Baldwin
Born Against - Chuck Pahlahniuk doing Fight Club and Survivor
Carnivourous Erection - Chuck Pahalahniuk doing Guts.
Leonard Cohen - Leonard Cohen
Interpol - Truman Capote
The Strokes - On their best day they barely scrape Jonathan Safran Foer, most of the time they're this
* Please note that I don't actually own a Slipknot, Dashboard Confessional or Evanescence album, nor any books by R.L Stein, Poppy Z. Brite or Dave Pelzer. I really can't stress this point enough.