The Encouraging Voice of the Labyrinth

Aside: After The Duke Spirit, the band Autolux are probably the only artists who have recently caught my eye. Their album is called Future Perfect and I haven't gone to the newsagents since I've heard them in case they're on the front of NME. The drummer (left) is talented and also very attractive, though the above picture doesn't do her justice. Her name is Carla, and to see her in a better light you should probably watch the video for 'Turnstyle blues' or go see them when they're on tour with Nine Inch Nails and Queens of the Stone Age and white guys in vests who paid £40 to be in 'the pit' are calling them fags.
To Audience: The El Minotaur Blanco weblog is, without doubt, one of the most geniusest things on the interweb. It is the production journal of what is shaping up to be the finest Philosophical Western/Autobiographical Porno ever made. In the writer/director's own words:
“El Minotaur Blanco” is, without a doubt, the most important film being made today. Shot on HD Video, it is a Western, after the manner of the popular Westerns of Jean-Luc Godard. It features a break-dancing robot (Mr Dance-Dance Roboto, ed.). It is brilliant. It is sensuous. It is cruel, like a miracle. It is being made by myself and my friends because they recognize its importance and because they are wonderful and easily persuaded.I swear, if this thing was anywhere near real I'd be camped outside Mann's Chinese Theatre right now.
“El Minotaur Blanco” is already historically significant as the first historically accurate film to be made about the Old West using authentic data and acquisitions from the F1 Time Scoop based in Subic Bay. Many of the emotions and feelings that you will experience in viewing “El Minotaur Blanco” are so terrifically real and intense that some viewers will realize they have never loved. This film will change all that.
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