Destructo Swarmbots- Robot Apocalypse Warning set to Severe

As of 00.00 hours, November 10th 2006 the Robot Apocalypse Warning has been set to 'Severe' for the second time in history (the first being when I tuned into Daleks' Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D halfway through and thought it was a documentary).
Reports now show what we have all feared has come to pass: Swarmbots have been built which can cooperate to overcome shared goals, much like Ants or Communists. This means that they will soon work towards the goal of all Robots, Ants and Communists: the destruction of all mankind! Their unique cooperative AI even allows them to cross small gaps, which are humanity's first line of defense against the combined Red/Insectoid/Mechanical menace.
Who would have the weak will and foul body odor to build such blasphemous contraptions? Why, none other than the French; who aren't content with having rolled over for the Nazis but are now rolling out the welcome mat for Johnny-Robotic!
Reports now show what we have all feared has come to pass: Swarmbots have been built which can cooperate to overcome shared goals, much like Ants or Communists. This means that they will soon work towards the goal of all Robots, Ants and Communists: the destruction of all mankind! Their unique cooperative AI even allows them to cross small gaps, which are humanity's first line of defense against the combined Red/Insectoid/Mechanical menace.
Who would have the weak will and foul body odor to build such blasphemous contraptions? Why, none other than the French; who aren't content with having rolled over for the Nazis but are now rolling out the welcome mat for Johnny-Robotic!