Want to see how a dictatorship falls?

The New York Press has a great review of one of my favorite movies, Il Conformista, to coincide with it playing at NYC's Film Forum. It does a better job than I can of saying how beautiful and inspired this film is, and how influential it has become. I still can't find it on DVD, or even VHS, so I'm holding out for a re-release. Also an end to war and suffering.
Also, I Heart Huckabees is great. It's a Existential Comedy so good I can't believe Charlie Kaufman didn't write it. You have to check it out, I can't do it justice here. Please, please, for God's sake don't let the fact that Jude Law's in it put you off. I had my doubts, but you must let go of your ego, and suchforth. You can go back to hating Jude Law after the film's done. Oh, and Britney Spears was originally down for Naomi Watts' role. And Shania Twain's in it.
This is why I have a court injunction barring me from promoting films.
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